Preventing Crisis Enabling Recovery - Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery - Annual Report 2011

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The report for 2011 highlights a number of advances in the four key focus areas in which the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR) has a comparative advantage: Prevention of disasters and conflicts; Strengthening development in post-crisis countries by reinforcing governance, the rule of law and livelihoods; Rapid response to emerging unexpected crises, supported through an innovative UNDP trust fund mechanism for crisis prevention and recovery; and Strengthening the coherence of the UN and the international community as a whole to better respond to crises and build peace.

Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery - UNDP (BCPR-UNDP) 2011

Through its country offices and with technical and financial support from the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR), UNDP supports disaster-prone countries in the development of comprehensive disaster risk reduction (DRR) programmes, strengthening of institutional and legislative systems, implementation of community-level disaster preparedness activities, including contingency planning and early warning, and establishment of coordination mechanisms to ensure the integration of risk reduction into human development as well as the development of national capacities for recovery planning.

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