22 Mar

Dutch Private Sector Development Policies Through a Conflict Lens

Organized by:Oxfam Novib
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Oxfam Novib and Somo will together host a presentation of the results of a joint research between Oxfam Novib and SOMO on the role of conflict sensitivity and the contribution to peace and stability in Dutch Private Sector Development (PSD) policies and instruments.

The Research Project

The nexus between private sector development (PSD) and conflict/peace building is an emerging field that, over the last 15 years, has led to an increased understanding of the role of companies in fragile and conflict-affected areas. It is generally agreed that companies never operate in isolation from the context in which they do business, and that there are serious risks and challenges involved when operating in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings (FCAS). Dutch PSD policies and instruments aim to stimulate inclusive economic development and to support Dutch trade interests abroad. In addition, the Netherlands also aims to play an active role in preventing armed conflict worldwide and strengthening security and rule of law by, for instance, supporting reconstruction in post-conflict countries.

In order to contribute to a better understanding of both policy fields (private sector development and peace & security) and of the coherence between the two fields, Oxfam Novib and SOMO have conducted a study that aims to address the knowledge gap on conflict-sensitivity in Dutch PSD policies and instruments, funded by the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law. The goal of the research is twofold: first, it aims to identify knowledge gaps regarding the coherence of the two policy fields. Second, it aims to fuel a constructive dialogue between relevant stakeholders to jointly improve policy coherence and development regarding conflict-sensitive private sector development.

This meeting is especially meant for policymakers, practitioners and implementing agencies who are working on private sector development in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings. The meeting will also be interesting for companies, academics, students, NGOs and consultants that are active in these settings.

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Spaces The Hague
Zuid Hollandlaan 7, The Hague