01 Jul

Expert Event on 'Local' Conflicts in Transnational Entanglements

Organized by:Secretariat of the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law

On Tuesday 1 July, the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law organizes a one day Expert Event under the Chatham House Rule with a mix of 15-25 academics, policy-makers and NGO representatives to brainstorm how multidimensional external interventions can be made more fit-for-purpose in view of the transnational dimensions of many present-day conflicts.

The Expert Event will take two recent case studies – Afghanistan and Mali - to delve into a discussion of two specific questions:

  • What are the key connectors between local conflicts and transnational audiences, resources and tools, and what challenges does this create locally for restoring peace?
  • What improvement efforts should be considered to make multidimensional external interventions better fit for purpose in this environment so that they can make a more sustainable contribution to build peace?

The event will be followed by a panel discussion. To register for the panel discussion please send an email to info@kpsrl.org 

Event report

The event’s main output will be a short research report that advances concrete suggestions on how multidimensional external missions can deal more effectively with the transnational dimensions of conflicts, so as to be better able to support peacebuilding locally.

Online debate

In addition, participants have the opportunity to engage in an online debate on these issues before and after the event. 

Sophialaan 10, 2561 SZ, The Hague, The Netherlands