06 Dec

CLEER Conference on Human Security

Organized by:T.M. C. Asser Instituut Centre for International & European Law

Human security as a tool for a comprehensive approach to human rights and security linkages in EU Foreign policy

This conference is the first event of CLEER’s project ‘Human Security: a new frame-work for enhanced human rights in the EU’s foreign security and migration policies’, implemented with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) of the European Union.

The project runs from 1 September 2013 until 31 August 2014 and aims at facilitating academic interaction in closely interrelated areas of EU external conduct, creating synergies between and raising awareness of global security concerns. The project will, specifically, integrate elements of EU external action in security, development and migration policies, through the paradigm of human security.

Human security is a relatively new security concept, characterized by a multidimensional approach of the international community in an effort to respond more effectively to complex security challenges. Despite the emerging consensus in political and academic discourse about the concept as such, the operationalization of human security lags far behind at both global and regional levels. Whereas the EU has stepped up its role as a self-professed global security provider since 2003, no coherent policy and normative framework exists to consistently implement human security policy into EU external action. With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and the emergence of new structures to develop and implement external action, a renewed focus on existing research on human security is needed.

The conference invites academics, legal and policy experts, policy-makers and representatives of civil society to discuss an operational framework for a distinct EU approach to security policy so as to provide effective protection and due respect to individuals’ human rights in conflict and post-conflict context. Particular attention will be given to the need for enhancing coordination and synergies of the EU’s so far fragmented toolbox addressing peace, security, stability and development issues, for the overall goal of heightened human rights protection.

The event is free of charge, however registration is required. Please register at www.asser.nl/cleer-humansecurity

T.M. C. Asser Instituut Centre for International & European Law, R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22, 2517 JN, Den Haag,